Communicating Information Assessment
About this assessment
This behavioral assessment assesses the ability of an individual to communicate effectively with others. Good communication skills start with the ability to listen to others, ask the right questions, influence others, as well as synthetizing information in a clear manner. Communication skills are key in achieving productivity and maintaining strong working relationships across all levels of the organization.
Behaviors tested
Why those behaviors matter in the workplace
As organizations and business models are being increasingly globalized and digitized, employees and managers spend most of their working hours communicating. Therefore, good communicators are able to save time and be more impactful.
Good communicators are curious, they like to ask questions and develop a deep understanding of business issues. They are also more likely to voice their opinion and share their know-how. This is important in positions that require knowledge sharing with the rest of the organization.
In leadership positions especially, good communication allows one to articulate a vision and share the company's direction. In marketing and sales positions, clear communication is key to getting external stakeholders to perceive the value and therefore buy a product or service.
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